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Chap 12. Construction Chap 12. Construction * Managing PR, Designing Test, Developing Documentation* Managing PR ( assign, coordinate activity, schedule)* schedule - 10 % 여유, slippage, creep, 위험* cultural issue ( 개인주의 - 집단주의 , monochronic - polychronic ) * Designing Test (unit - integration - system - acceptance)* V model (개발과의 관계 표시)* Test 명세서를 작성(목표)* Test 골격 - stub, driver, oracle* Unit Test(black box, white box)*..
Chap 10. User Interface Design Chap 10. User Interface Design * System Interface(machine), User Interface(machine - user)* 6 principle - layout, contents awareness, aesthetics, user experience, consistency, minimum effort* Layout - area* Contents awareness - 어디있는지 계속 인지 할 수 있도록, 어떻게 도달하는지* Aesthetics - simple / density* User Experience - ease of learning, use* Consistency - Navbar * Minimum effort - 3 click * User interface D..
Chap 11. Physical Architecture layer Design Chap 11. Physical Architecture layer Design * SW components(Data storage, Data access, Application, Presentation logic) / HW components (Server,Client , Network)* Server-based Architecture ( all logic in Server ) - cost, developing cost* Client-based Architecture ( file server / data access, app, presentation - client ) - security, maintainability* Client-Server Architecture ( thin client - pre ..
Chap 8. Class and Method Design Chap 8. Class and Method Design * Polymorphism ( dynamic binding), (encapsulation, information hiding)* Inheritance * Design Criteria - Coupling, Cohesion, (Connascence)* Coupling - method, inheritance Level - no direct coupling, data, stamp, control, global, pathological* Cohesion - method, classMethod Cohesion Level - Functional, Sequential, Communicational, Procedure, Temporal, Logical, Coinc..
Chap 7. Moving to Design Chap 7. Moving to Design * Analysis -> Design (Evolving)(analysis ~ Design mutually go) * Analysis Model Examine(Cross Check)Functional - Structural (activity diagram ~ class diagram)Functional - Behavior (activity diagram ~ communication diagram, state machine)Structural - Behavior (class Diagram ~ communication diagram, state machine) * Analysis Model -> Design Model !!non-Functional Requireme..
Chap 6. Behavioral Modeling Chap 6. Behavioral Modeling * System Internal Analysis (Interaction Diagram(sequential+communication) , State Machine)* Behavioral Modeling - 1 usecase * Interaction Diagram factor ( Object, attribute, method, Message, Actor) * Sequential Diagram ( process, collaborate ) - Generic Diagram, Instance Diagram* Sequential Diagram factor* Exercise* Guideline - 1) direction, 2) Same idea(actor, object..