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Archived(CSE)/소프트웨어 설계

Chap 11. Physical Architecture layer Design

Chap 11. Physical Architecture layer Design

* SW components(Data storage, Data access, Application, Presentation logic) / HW components (Server,Client , Network)

* Server-based Architecture ( all logic in Server ) - cost, developing cost

* Client-based Architecture ( file server / data access, app,  presentation - client )  - security, maintainability

* Client-Server Architecture ( thin client - pre / thick client - app + pre )

* 2-tier (client -server), 3-tier (server- server - client), n-tier ... scalability / response

* Infrastructure Design 

* Deployment Diagram - Node(HW), Artifacts(SW), Communication path

* SW -  <<Layer>>name, HW - <<kinds>> name

* SW Specifications (OS, SW, warranty) , HW Specifications ( Network, HW, 최소사양, 사양matrix)

* Non-functional requirements - (operational, performance, security, cultural & political, legal)

* Operational requirements - 기술환경 / 시스템 통합/ 이식성 / 유지보수성

* Performance requirements - 속도 / 동시처리 / 용량

* Security requirements - 가치 / access / 암호, 복호 / 바이러스

* cultural & political requirements - customized , legal

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