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Archived(CSE)/소프트웨어 설계

Chap 10. User Interface Design

Chap 10. User Interface Design

* System Interface(machine), User Interface(machine - user)

* 6 principle - layout, contents awareness, aesthetics, user experience, consistency, minimum effort

* Layout - area

* Contents awareness - 어디있는지 계속 인지 할 수 있도록, 어떻게 도달하는지

* Aesthetics - simple / density

* User Experience - ease of learning, use

* Consistency - Navbar 

* Minimum effort - 3 click 

* User interface Design Process 

* User Scenario - Infrastructure Design - Interface standards - Prototype - evaluation

* User scenario - essential case 

* Infrastructure interface design - Window navigation diagram(WND) -> form -button - path

* Interface standards - metaphor, object, action, icon, template 

* Prototype - Stroyboard, Window layout diagram, HTML, Language 

* Evaluation - many people 

* 4 Principle Usability - contents awareness, go back, error feedback, response time 

* message - error, check, acknowledgement, delay, help

* input - structured(형식), non-structured

* input type - free form, select option

* input validation - range, completeness, format, ...

* output - important top, bias, layout 

'Archived(CSE) > 소프트웨어 설계' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Chap 11. Physical Architecture layer Design  (0) 2018.11.26
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Chap 7. Moving to Design  (0) 2018.11.18
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