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MIPS assembly PR_ 문자열로 숫자 입력받아 처리하기 문제. 해결 https://github.com/YoonShinWoong/MIPS_Assembly_Programming 해결 알고리즘은 위의 구현순서 5단계에 맞춰 처리한다. 1. 문자열을 입력 받아서 while문을 통해 '.' 을 포함하고 있는지 아닌지를 판단한다.2. '.' 을 포함하고 있다면 실수 처리, 그렇지 않다면 정수 처리 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------실수처리3. '.'이 포함된 위치를 레지스터에 저장해두고, '.' 전 까지 정수값을 *10 하면서 가져와 더해둔다(실수의 정수부).단, -는 ..
RubyOnRails Excel file 파싱하기(xlsx 파일) RubyOnRails Excel file 파싱하기(xlsx 파일) Rails에는 다양한 Excel File Parsing 방법이 존재한다.참고 : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3321011/parsing-xls-and-xlsx-ms-excel-files-with-ruby 그 중에서도 simple_xlsx_reader gem을 사용해서 하는 방법을 사용했다. Gemfile에gem 'simple_xlsx_reader' 를 추가해주고$ bundle 을 통해 gem을 설치한다 그리고 특정 컨트롤러에서 다음의 코드를 통해 Parsing을 처리할 수 있다 1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526# 임의 controllerdef school r..
Chap 11. DLC(data link control) Chap 11. DLC(data link control) * framing (size - fix(atm,wan), var(char bit) lan)* char oriented size - flag(esc), byte stuffing (esc)* bit oriented size - flag = 01*60, bit stuffing (1*5->0) * flow control(buffer), simple / stop wait / sliding window* error control ( skip discard )* connected / non connected * simple protocol - flow /error x* stop and wait protocol - ack frame / number(seq), r..
Chap 6. Behavioral Modeling Chap 6. Behavioral Modeling * System Internal Analysis (Interaction Diagram(sequential+communication) , State Machine)* Behavioral Modeling - 1 usecase * Interaction Diagram factor ( Object, attribute, method, Message, Actor) * Sequential Diagram ( process, collaborate ) - Generic Diagram, Instance Diagram* Sequential Diagram factor* Exercise* Guideline - 1) direction, 2) Same idea(actor, object..
Chap 9. A Programmable Shell Chap 9. A Programmable Shell . * Shell -> run as interpreter (an essential part of UNIX)* Shell run as two way ( sh ~~ / chmod +x )* smsh(fork - wait - execlp)* smsh2 - if~then~else~fi (controlCheck - smsh1)* smsh3 - variable(set- VLlist, = - VLstore, export)* smsh4 - envVar * smsh.ver1 * Shell control ( if ~ then ~ else ~ fi) * smsh.ver2 * variable ( local / env ) - set, assign, export, unset *..
Chap 5. Memory Chap 5. Memory * Memory Hierarchy ( register - cpu cache - Dram - second Storage -archival Storage )* Cache (hit / miss / hit rate)* Cache principle - locality ( temporal, spatial ) * Cache access/ saving -> Tag/ Index/ offset (Tag + Memory 's last addr, valid) * offset -> word size(block size) , index * block size, miss rate / block size quadratic equation (too many - cache volume , too few - a..
Chap 3. Arithmetic for Computers Chap 3. Arithmetic for Computers ADD / SUB* Binary Addition / Binary subtraction * Overflow Case ( 1. (+) + (+) = (-) / 2. (-) + (-) = (+) / 3. (+) - (-) = (-) / 4. (-) - (+) = (+) )* C/JAVA : ignore overflow / Ada/Fortran : notify MUL / DIV* Multiplication : multiplicand(32/ shift left) * multiplier(32/ shift right) = product(64)* improving Multiplication : 64 bit register ( product 32 bit / mu..
Chap 10. Error Detection and Error correction Chap 10. Error Detection and Error correction * single bit error , burst error* detection vs correction* block coding, convolution coding Block coding* dataword -> codeword* hamming distance(s + 1 = dm)* linear block coding (parity check bit) Parity check bit* Linear block coding - codeword - xor -> codeword* 1 even number * 1 number -> syndrome 1- odd, syndrome 0 - even Cyclic Code* special lin..